Daring to Step Outside Your Comfort Zone: My Journey and an Invitation

Nov 06, 2024

Comfort zones—those cozy, familiar places where everything feels predictable, even if they’re keeping us small. They’re the mental and emotional spaces we create to protect ourselves from the unknown. Staying inside them keeps us feeling safe, but it also keeps us from growth. And, as I’ve learned over and over, stepping beyond those edges is where the real transformation happens.

When I was 19 and a student nurse, my comfort zone was quickly challenged. Half of our training was in the hospital, a world that felt huge, exhilarating, and absolutely nerve-wracking. I remember my first time doing a nursing handover at the end of a shift—my hands were shaking, my mind went blank, and my words came out all wrong. I left that day thinking, That was awful. But the next shift, I had to do it again, and slowly, with each attempt, I got a bit better. By the end of my training, I’d developed a personal mantra: “Force yourself, Emily, and it will get better.”

Leaving nursing 15 years later to start my own business was another massive step out of my comfort zone. The idea of no longer having the “safety net” of a hospital job terrified me. But, I’d had this realisation that I wanted to help people in a new way, so I kept moving forward, one step at a time. Over time, I created a business that not only helps others heal and grow but also brings me incredible joy every single day. It’s been worth every ounce of discomfort.

The truth about comfort zones is that they don’t disappear—they shift and grow with us, constantly inviting us to push a little further. Recently, I bumped into another one of my edges: public speaking. Hosting sound baths has gently helped me work on this fear, and each session has been its own little nudge. Over time, I’ve felt more at ease, but it’s still a growth area for me.

Then there’s social media. Building a community online has been a beautiful way to reach people I wouldn’t meet otherwise. But, the algorithm isn’t exactly a fan of deep, soulful content! My followers were increasing, but my reach was stagnating. My coach suggested that I try creating more reels, which was a big “oh no” moment for me. I was already spending hours obsessing over each one, re-recording, critiquing myself, imagining that every tiny flaw would be judged. The idea of doing more was daunting, to say the least.

But, I realised it wasn’t just the algorithm holding me back—it was my perfectionism, another way my comfort zone was trying to keep me “safe.” So, I set myself a challenge: five reels a week, with only two hours to create total. I let go of trying to make everything flawless, deciding instead to simply show up as I am, speak from the heart and allow my energy come across the screen. The results? Well, my views and reach haven’t skyrocketed, but my bookings have increased. More importantly, I feel more at ease in front of the camera. Each reel is a little step in breaking down my own barriers.

Comfort zones feel safe because they’re known, but growth lives in the unknown. As a coach, I spend a lot of time encouraging others to step beyond what feels familiar and comfortable. Whether it’s exploring new aspects of yourself, embracing vulnerability, or even tackling that one thing you’ve been avoiding, the magic lies in the willingness to stretch yourself, even just a little bit.

So here’s my invitation to you: take a look at your comfort zone. Where are the edges? What’s one step you could take to push just a little further? I promise, the gifts waiting on the other side are worth the risk.

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